How to Increase Your Website Security: Top 9 Guidelines


Having a website alone is insufficient. So, you must ensure your website security via all the necessary safety features. You have to protect your website from hackers, bugs, and other internet bugs by putting protections in place. Otherwise, your site may crash, your data may be in danger, and you can face financial loss. However, it is not easy to secure websites or applications, and you must take many aspects into account. So, you must stay aware of emerging threats, their mitigation, and traffic monitoring.

In the below blog, there is a list of methods to secure your website. So, you can effectively decrease potential risks associated with your online presence.

What is Website Security?

It is an approach to avoid hacking attacks and other illegal access to websites and online applications. These methods work by adding an extra layer of security measures and protocols that assist in blocking attacks. Website security often relies on cryptography to encrypt data transmissions between users and the server. It ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access or interception. Cryptographic protocols like HTTPS (SSL/TLS) are commonly used to establish secure connections and safeguard user data during online interactions.

There is a rising number of websites, but many users don’t care about site security. Thus, these websites have many flaws that offer hackers or attackers a chance to compromise the data.

These are the primary reasons for website hacking by adversaries:

  • Web site user exploitation
  • Stealing data from the server’s memory
  • Manipulating bots and crawlers
  • The misuse of server resources

What are the 9 Best Practices for Website Security?

1. Install SSL

The first step is to buy a simple Secure Sockets Layer certificate. SSL certificates boost search engine rankings while safeguarding data from hacking or manipulation. Moreover, SSL encrypts your website and your users’ web browsers’ communications. So, if a hacker picks up the communication, they will not be able to read it.

2. Enable Auto-update for plugins and software

Ensuring that all your plugins and applications are up-to-date is one of the easiest but most effective security precautions. One of the most popular ways for attackers to access websites is through outdated software. So, keeping everything up-to-date is one of the best website security check ways. It will also stop the exploitation of vulnerabilities.

3. Blueprint for Web Application Security

Create a complete, practical plan for web application security with your IT security team. It is hard to maintain a sufficient level of web application security without knowing the exact applications of the organization.

4. Web application firewall (WAF)

WAF is a software program that exists between your website and the internet. It filters the website’s traffic and blocks any requests that may be harmful. Moreover, it is also effective when it comes to preventing attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

5. Malware detection and removal

Any website is seriously at risk from malware. A malicious code can steal your sensitive data. It can also damage or even shut down your website. Thus, it is crucial to constantly check your website for malware and eliminate it. We will discuss how to scan website for malware in detail in this blog.

6. Provide security awareness training for online applications

Employee training can help a company prepare and identify problems on its own. Teaching everyone about web security serves as an ideal way of engaging everyone in identifying and removing problems.

7. Protection from spam

A major problem for many websites is spam. It can jam up your website’s database, comment areas, and contact forms. However, you can block spam in several ways. You can start using CAPTCHA codes and asking commenters to register. This will prove to be a useful step towards website security.

8. Timely security scans

The security of websites must include regular security scans. Scans can help you in finding vulnerabilities on your website so you can fix them before attackers take advantage. Additionally, security scans come in many forms, including virus, network, and online application checks.

9. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS)

IDPS can find and stop attacks after a complete website security check. These systems can be network-based or host-based. So, host-based IDPSs are installed on the servers that host your website. They can identify and stop attacks by watching the incoming and outgoing traffic on the server.

Network-based IDPSs are installed on the network to track the incoming and outgoing traffic on the website.

Methods to Check Website for Malware

You or your visitors may not instantly notice signs of malware. It is because Malware’s speed and hidden abilities make it effective. So, you can follow the below steps to check a website for malware:

1. Scanning a URL to find malware

A URL scanner is a useful online tool to check URL safety against malware if you think it can be there.

2. Monitoring Website Changes

Keeping regular backups of your website is a good idea for all website owners. Additionally, it is easy to use a tool that generates backups automatically.

3. Verify your source code for malicious code

To search for malware in your source code, look at the script attributes and iframe attributes.

4. Scan your files for malware

There are many ways, with various levels of difficulty and efficiency to scan a file. So, you can use them and manually check the files on your website for malware.

Some Popular Website Security Tools

  • Sucuri: It is one of the most popular free web security and virus scanners. You can search for viruses, injected spam, blacklist status, and also look for defacements.
  • Detectify: You can also use the Detectify Domain and Web Application Protection Software for website security. Moreover, it is funded by ethical hackers and provides automatic protection and asset tracking.
  • Quttera: It allows you to scan a website for malicious files, and potentially suspicious files. You can also scan for PhishTank, Safe Browsing, and Malware domain lists.
  • SiteGuarding: It can scan a domain for malware, injected spam, website blacklisting, and defacement.


A website security checklist is an essential method for security experts and ethical hackers to secure their web applications. Thus, in this blog, you can find ways to secure websites against malware attacks, data breaches, and other vulnerabilities. A complete security checklist can help you to uphold user confidence in the present digital environment. So, you can successfully lower potential dangers to your online presence by adhering to this list. You can also search for the best cyber security course and do the needful for your personal website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the best security for a website?

Ans. Installing SSL is one of the best security practices for a website owner. You can also take measures like timely scanning and keeping everything updated.

Q. What are web security requirements?

Ans. The main website security requirements include authorization, authentication, data protection, and nonrepudiation.

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